Art Films & TV

Arya Stark

Created on iPad using a Jot Pro stylus and Procreate 1.6.

Art Films & TV

Daenerys Targaryen

Created on iPad using a Jot Pro stylus and Procreate 1.6.

Films & TV

GVP – “Mentors”

I made a little fan video for The Grandma’s Virginity Podcast

Update: Dan Harmon, Channel 101 co-founder and creator of NBC’s Community tweeted my video!

Films & TV

Reverse chronological causation theory and LOST

Apparently, a few somewhat respected physicists have come up with a theory that could explain the strange delays the Large Hadron Collider keeps running into in it’s quest to observe the hypothesized Higgs boson particle.

Fate won’t let it happen.

“…the Higgs boson may be “abhorrent to nature” and the LHC’s creation of the Higgs sometime in the future sends ripples backward through time to scupper its own creation. Each time scientists are on the verge of capturing the Higgs, the theory holds, the future intercedes.” – TIME

The New York Times also ran an article, The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate, that describes this unlikely, but really cool theory.

This got me thinking.  The concepts of time travel and fate versus free will have certainly become popular themes in mainstream entertainment in the last few years.  It’s at the crux of the great mystery of LOST, and it’s the premise of the new series Flash Forward.  Interesting. Is network television also being shaped by future events? I mean, how else do you explain genuinely cool sci-fi concepts showing up on primetime television, right?

Is it possible that this guy was just up late writing LOST fan fiction, and it accidentally got shuffled into his “Test of Effect From Future in Large Hadron Collider: a Proposal” and “Search for Future Influence From LHC” research papers?

I’ll call it “incidental zeitgeist application theory”. It’s not mathmatical or peer-reviewed, but it does seem more likely than a bird sent from the future to sabotage the LHC with a bit of baguette.

Films & TV

How do you like my Krug?

After subjecting myself to the extended cut of Uwe Boll‘s hysterically terrible In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, I had to compile a list of the best/worst quotes in the film.

“Give me the chicken! Ar! Ar! Ar!”

“I can’t read you.
I can read most men like reading scrolls of flesh.
But you…
you I can’t see past your scowl.
Why is that?”